It will take place FRIDAY April 25, 2008.
It's going to be a Friday because we were told that certain days of the month are more auspicious than others based on the date, time, and location of our births. Turns out our auspicious days are mostly Tuesdays and Thursdays. The other choices included a couple Sundays and the Friday in question. We went with Friday over Sunday because we didn't want people to leave early because they had work the next day. So if you're planning on coming, consider it your duty to get tipsy and dance your hearts out, because we had YOU in mind.
We looked a bunch of places to have the wedding. We really wanted it to be in Brooklyn, but size was an issue and it was looking like if we wanted a place in BK, we'd either have to cut our list drastically or pay a LOT more money than we wanted to. We expanded our search into Manhattan (we were planning on doing this anyway), and found some really great loft spaces in Midtown west. The one we picked is really gorgeous and has 360-degree views of the city. It's located at 31st St. between 9th and 10th avenue. Below is a link to the location's website and some more pictures of the space.